I've been tagged by Furtheron over at
Further on up the road. This is a meme sponsored by
OptimistLab. Thank you Furtheron for the tag. It is quite spooky that you should do this just at a time when I desperately need to raise my vibes as you know I am most definitely am not in a good place right now.
Here are the rules...more details on OptimistLab's website:
1.Write a new post about your five favorite tricks for “Raising Your Vibes”.
2.Link back to OptimistLab and the person who tagged you at the top of your post.
3.Give your attention to five (or more if you want) deserving bloggers by picking one high-quality post by each blogger.
4.Tag these bloggers by going to
high Vibe it, (a news sharing site), and submitting your “Raising Your Vibes” post and the five posts you picked.
5.Tell each blogger you picked that they’ve been tagged either through email or by leaving a comment.
How I Raise My Vibes
Several other's reponses to this meme seem to have similar traits of very personal or solitary ways of raising vibes. I guess this is probably similar to meditation which I have tried in small degrees through Yoga. I must get back to it again it really does help.
1. Gardening
Especially on my
allotment. I just love the solitude with the glimpses of wildlife when I am the only gardener there. The very fact that I can see the fruits of my labours, even in the fallow season when improving the soil, gives me a tremendous lift.
2. Motorcycling
Once again although this is most times not a solitary activity as of course there is always other traffic around, it is a personal challenge to ride quickly (not fast) but safe and to anticipate all road conditions and hazards. My advanced riding instructor always recounted to me the number of times riders had told him he was 'lucky that the traffic conditions were just right for him say on the approach to a roundabout'. His counter to that was that he made the conditions right by anticipating and arriving at the right time!
The end of a good ride has me walking on air.
3. Reading Blogs
There are two reasons why this helps me.
Firstly there are so many blogs containing inspirational material and that make me realise there are always other ways to look at life's problems.
Secondly, I am always finding that there are others out there who are coping with issues far greater than those that I am finding in my life. This in itself gives me an automatic lift through the metaphoric kick up the ass!
4. ReadingI am not exactly an avid reader but have always got a book 'on the go'. I don't seem to favour any particular genre, mixing between accounts of daring exploration of the mountains and seas, through biographies to historic novels. Once again a somewhat solitary recreation in which I can always lose myself and find something inspirational to raise my vibes.
5. MusicVarying from classics to rock depending on my mood, music always changes my current feelings and attitude very swiftly. I favour instrumental even though I cannot play a note myself, but some vocals can move me also.
Now for tagging 5 others:
Furtheron has made this somewhat difficult as we tend to have many common blog reads. I wonder what that should be telling us about our life attitudes?
I would have included
Shellz whose 'Self Talk' post I have mentioned here before and also
Tabula Rasa/
Multiple Synchronicities and Sclerosis for the same reasons that Furtheron mentions. As in
3 above, Andromeda makes me feel so small when I consider the way in which she has tackled her difficulties in life.
So in no particular order I tag
:-Dave at Flight Level 390 for his amazing photos and his ability to take us mere passengers into his world of flying with posts such as
Taxiway Charlie and
Two Old GuysLiz at Finding Life Hard for her down to earth and homely (to say nothing of her Raisin Bread recipe) posts,but more importantly for her low key writing about her religion without it being in your face. makes me think often with posts such as
'Well God what are you going to do?'Cynnie at Waiting For Life to Start. I know that she has gone offline for a little while but this should give her something to think about on her return. Dear Cynnie has such a wacky outlook on life that I can never wait to see what she has posted next such as
'Sometimes I Do Live In Paradise'Suzanne at CUSS. I often feel that I am not supposed to be at her Blog as it is a very female site, but once again her wacky outlook on life such as in
'Showerin' at the Car Wash Yeah' always lift me.
I have just realised that many of my regular reads are folks who are very artistic with a high incidence of writers and also the truly artistic final tag
French Toast Girl who inspires me to increase my skills by her tremendous talent. See her daily posts in May.