I am back in the
So anyway back to
First some skyscrapers. Can you believe this is an earthquake zone! We actually had a tremor on our first day – earth tremor that is, don’t be so smutty!

A Japanese Dinner. I can only describe it as a beef Fondue, but in boiling water instead of oil.

Another night we dined on Kobe Beef at a Teppenyaki restaurant which was a load of fun.
Street Scenes. They were so colourful and immaculately clean. I literally only saw one single piece of litter the whole time I was there!
Piéce de Résistance. Well we just HAD to do it – Karaoke!! But we were well oiled before we did. Come to think of it, during as well.

Other recent news.
Californian Fires. I am so glad, in fact relieved, that they are now all but doused. Not only for all of those poor people who either lost their lives, were either made homeless or were severely threatened by the fires, but my eldest son is a firefighter in
My Baby IS BACK! I collected my beautifully repaired bike yesterday and besides the fact that there is nearly 10,000 miles on the clock it looks like new. Most of the fairing panels were replaced as well as the footpegs, gear change lever etc and it looks as though it has just come out of the showroom again. Maybe the moron who crashed into it did me a favour?
My 30 minute journey home from the garage took me at least an hour and a half – it was so good to be riding a real bike again J