Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Sorry for not blogging much recently guys, but I really haven't had much to write about. Believe it or not - I still don't!
I seem to be working far too hard and getting way too uptight about it at the moment. The project I have been working on as a European thing only, with a small team, has just gone global and I feel that we are losing control to so many new people who seem to be re-inventing the wheel that we designed and have been rolling for the last 18 months.

I made a major decision last night not to stand for re-election to our local parish council this month. I have served on it for 5 years now, with a primary role of communications and publicity. 5 years ago I introduced and produced a quarterly newsletter that goes to all 5000 residents and launched a parish council website. I will miss that bit and also the work that I led on the Village Design Statment that has been accepted by our planners as regulations that underpin any planning permission in the village. I won't however miss the time that I spent each week and have now regained to do something for myself, or the in-fighting between the councillors that seems to have increased over the past 18 months. We used to argue and debate but we would all go with the majority decision at the end. Now, several of them just seem to harbour grudges that they didn't get their own way.

My last 'duties' will be to host the mayor of Therouanne, our twinned village in France, when a party of about 20 visit our village in May for a weekend. There will be lots of wine drunk over those two days!!

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