These 'donkeys in pyjamas' were snapped in the Tarangire National Park.
I had never realised just how brown some of them are - you always think of them as black and white.
These, also in Tarangire, were peacefully grazing among a small herd of Wildebeest (most of them had already migrated to the Masai Mara in Kenya)
These photograped in the Lake Mayanara Park were heading back to their night time resting site at sunset.
If you want to participate in ABC Wednesday Round 3, then pop along to Mrs Nesbitt's blog of the same name and either share some of your own photos or simply visit the other participants and enjoy their stunning photos
Gosh, I didn't realise there were brown ones! made it to "Z"! so will you begin the alphabet again?
just wanted you to know that there is a blog award for you at my place!
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