Monday, July 16, 2007

Weekend Trivia

Despite some horrific weather at times over the weekend when thunder storms turned the daytime into night and in advance of the storms there were swarms of storm flies in the air, it was a pretty good weekend over all.

I managed to get to the golf course and played to my handicap, I spent some time in the sun on the allotment and also in the garden. The potato crop this year was extremely disappointing with most of it having gone rotten underground due to the wet weather. I harvested some lovely beetroot, broad beans (very sweet), some radishes and cabbage. At long last the runner beans seem to be getting going!

Yesterday Mrs DeeJay and her mother went for a long walk (6 miles) along the Royal Military Canal and ended up in a nice pub in Appledore.

Why is it I always remember my camera when I am already on my way? I really must try harder to remember it. I took some photos of a pair of swans and their two cygnets on my camera phone I must download them tonight to see if they are any good. They better be as I put myself into some danger to get them with Mr Swan taking a hissing dislike to me and telling me to go away in no uncertain tones.

We also had a classic motorcycle show and jumble in the village and there was some real nostalgia with 1950s/60s triumphs, BSA and Nortons on show, and yes you have guessed it – I forgot to take my camera there as well!!


Furtheron said...

Norton Commando 750.

When I was a kid that was the bike I aspired to. Given I've never learnt to ride a motorbike not a current aspiration.

tkkerouac said...

Yes, especially on a long walk like that, must have your camera attached to your hand at all times!!!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, I do feel nostalgic. I really miss runner beans. I do hope you can show us your pics of the swan and cygnets. I am always having to come back for my camera!