Friday, October 12, 2007

Bored, Tired and feeling just a little emotional

I am posting this from the airport lounge in Boston MA after a pretty hectic week at work in my new role and suffering from a degree of brain overload! - hence the tired bit. The bored bit is due to the usual incredible waste of time waiting for planes.
However the emotional bit is due to a fantastic coincidence.
On arrival earlier this week, on impulse, I phoned my eldest son who lives in San Diego telling him that I had just landed in Boston (where he used to live) and wished it was San Diego instead. He then told me that he and his wife were due to be flying into Boston overnight on Thursday to visit her parents. Sadly I was due to be checking in for my departure 10 minutes before their arrival.
I hastily re-arranged my flight, unfortunately not being able to get a seat on the Saturday morning flight but managing to get on the Friday night red-eye.
I have therefore spent a fantastic day with them both despite the lousy rain, but I am now feeling so very, very sad hoping that it will not be another 4 years before I see them again.

AND ... just to think I don't know why I phoned him on arrival, I could have so easily have phoned him at the weekend which is when we normally speak and told him that I had just been in Boston and not known that he had been there also!!


Synchronicity said...

oh wow...that is a coincidence. maybe you just knew somehow.

how are you doing my friend? just stopping by to say hello.

Liz Hinds said...

That must have been wonderful. What a good job you phoned when you did.

Furtheron said...

It's a weird/small world - see my post...

GP said...

Serendipity is a marvellous thing! Sadly I usually get the reverse experience - bumping into people I've been trying to avoid at distant airports where I would never normally expect to meet anyone I knew.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

That is a coincidence and it must have been lovely for you. Let's hope you see them all again soon.

Cynnie said...

I love when stuff like that happens!
Lucky you !