Friday, February 23, 2007

Business trip to Lisbon

Phew! thank god that is my travelling over for the next few weeks. Three consecutive weeks travelling to Austria, Netherlands and Portugal seems to have really lowered my resistance to colds etc. I was suffering with a throat infection and have now come home from this trip with a hacking cough that I just can't shift. Damn airplanes!
Not only that, but this trip was a bit of a nightmare with colleague 1 only making it as far as the airport departure gate before having to cancel due to a phone message that her son had been taken ill, followed the day after by colleague 2 falling ill with 'flu.
The only positive things from the visit are that it went well from a business perspective and I managed to deliver my colleague's part of the presentations effectively and we stayed at probably one of the 3 most fantastic hotels that I have ever stayed at.
It was the Pestana Palace hotel in Lisbon here which used to be a real palace and still has many of the original features. The cost of a room should start at 370 Euros but our company has a discounted rate of 130 Euros!! What a result.

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